IREC Solar Career Map
IREC’s Solar Career Map


The Solar Career Map explores an expanding universe of solar-energy occupations, describing diverse jobs across the industry, charting possible progression between them, and identifying the sorts of credentials necessary to do them well.

Designed to demonstrate the breadth of the industry and its critical occupations, as well as the necessity for integrated solar training in a variety of related fields, the Solar Career Map emerged from a simple vision: High-quality work and high-quality jobs are critical to building a robust, high-quality solar industry. This value proposition suggests that excellence is both possible and necessary across a broad spectrum of solar careers. The map describes how to get there.

Use the Solar Career Map to explore 40 Jobs across 4 industry sectors, and identify more than 60 routes to advancement between them. Additional opportunities for progress and promotion can be found within any given occupation on the map, and multi-sector pathways reinforce the idea of lifelong learning and the natural evolution of skills and interests.

The Solar Career Map has a broad audience: educators and career-advisors, job-seekers an employers, policy-makers and workforce professionals. It is a rich, data-driven tool. But it is designed to explore an industry rather than land a job. Consider it a window rather than a microscope, a kaleidoscope rather than a blueprint.

The Solar Career Map was developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC). As National Administrator of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Instructor Training Network, IREC worked with solar and workforce experts around the country — leaders from education, government, business, labor, and community — to produce this highly-acclaimed interactive tool.

Read more at IREC