
CIC Energy strives to enable all energy consumers to shift towards becoming prosumers. A prosumer is someone who not only consumes energy, but also produces it themselves using distributed energy sources such as solar. Prosumers also take energy monitoring into their own hands and can optimize their energy usage and reduce costs by becoming as efficient as possible.

CIC Energy offers energy education to our clients through our EE toolkit. Check out or energy-saving checklist to ensure your home is operating efficiently and to find ways you can start saving electricity (and money!) today. We also offer Home Energy Monitoring and Maintenance Programs through our partners Emporia Energy and Sense, which can help you easily track all your home energy usage (and production) to become the most efficient prosumer on the block!

We are providing these resources to help you become a better education and empowered energy consumer. If you don’t find the information you are looking, drop us a note via our contact page and one of our team will be touch.